You can see all translations for the registration form below.
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You can see all translations for the registration form below.
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Children’s rates apply only when the children live in the parents’ room.
Resa= Trip
Antal resenärer= number of travelers
Resenär= traveler
Boende= Hotel
Önskad rumstyp = Desired room
Egen bil = Arranges your own journey
Fill in all options per person
Resenär= Traveler
Namn= Name
Åkskicklighet= level of skiing
Första gången= First time
Nybörjare= Beginner
Medel= Intermediate
Avnacerad= Advanced
Åkt antal veckor= Number of weeks you have skied
Önskar skidskola= Like to have ski school
Liftkort= Ski pass
Utrustning = Ski rentals
Specialkost= Special diet
Förnamn= First name
Efternamn= Last name
Personnummer= Year born
Adress= Address street
Postnummer= Zip code
Ort= City
Telefon= Phone number
Övrigt= Other comments
Reseuppgifter=Travel data
Anmälarens uppgifter= Information about the traveler
Beräknat pris = Calculated price in dollar
Skicka anmälan = Send registration
GDPR – Data Protection Regulation
From May 25, 2018, the Data Protection Regulation applies to GDPR. The Alplinjens Travel Agency handles the personal data you provide in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation. We use this information to give our customers optimal service in everything that has to do with your journey. This is done via telephone, sms, e-mail and letter.
Alplinjens Travel Agency only discloses personal information to our partners, such as bus / airline, hotel, etc., in order to fulfill our obligations to our customers. It is important for us that you feel confident in how we handle your personal information.
You can contact us at any time and request your personal information or ask us to delete it. For more information about GDPR, read more on the Swedish Data Inspection website.–regler/dataskyddsforordningen/